Show 081 details

Blue star, converj, r29, f60
New Cars - Road and Track

published: 11 February 2009

duration: 33' 40"

Presented by: Gareth Jones, Zog and Richard Porter

#081 New cars on the track and on the road. The new breed of F1 cars; the new Ferrari’s pointy front end and sexy rear end, the handsome McLaren and the pug-ugly Renault. Detroit – Gareth picks a fight over the VW Blue Sport Eco Roadster, and goes weak at the knees over the Cadillac Converj. The Audi A7 what should it have been called? The Lexus Richard will or won’t buy. Sniff Petrol on how Bourdais will save Peugeot and how to build your own KERS system at home. Plus music for cold weather from Cijgár Röss Bráwn.

music for cold weather

Cíjgár Rðss Bráwn - Ehey Spörey Hárrád Skeád Háw (Use Snow Chains)

Volenska/ Hopelandic
English Translation
E parrat skarat ‘ah
To prevent skidding on Ice
Rootks haft ara e far oha ehe
Take special precautions
Ehey sporey harrad skead haw
Use devices such as snow chains
Hooplaree i skara
Or a complex electronic anti-skid system
Ooh arrre hee
Driving in higher gears
Hroots skarat hee
That should stop skids
Eeeem hopat eathoord
I hope they all work

Written, performed and produced by Gáreth Jðnes

© Gareth Jones 2005-2009